Road accidents are frighteningly common occurrences, with recent government data suggesting that nearly 130,000 road casualties are observed each year. These incidents can be profoundly life-changing on a physical and mental basis, from injuries to post-accident trauma and beyond. But what does the road to recovery look like after a road accident?

Physical Recovery

The single most important thing to concern yourself with after a road-related accident or injury is your physical recovery. You hopefully should have received immediate medical care on the scene and potentially at a hospital, and you will have been given instructions from healthcare professionals to inform your recovery journey.

You should not rush this recovery process, as you could worsen your condition in the process. Instead, you should take the time to rest up and recuperate, by eating well and following a sensible regime of exercise-based rehabilitation.

Immediate Logistics

After some time, you will be in a much better physical condition – and hence able to direct some of your energy towards other practicalities. One of these practicalities is discussing your situation with your insurance provider. They will already have been working behind the scenes to ascertain the nature of your accident and may have some advice for you regarding the next steps financially.

Mental Recovery

Physical recovery is only part of the story, mind. A road traffic accident can also cause severe mental stress and illness, in a number of ways. For one, your physical recovery can be stressful, as a result of feeling limited or like your progress is too slow. You might also suffer post-traumatic stress disorder, as a result of the shock from the crash or some of the things you may have observed on the scene.

As such, you should give yourself more time and space to recover mentally, just as you are physically. Even if you are feeling physically better, it may be too soon to return to work, and you may need additional time to heal your thinking.

Seeking Help

At this point, it is important to acknowledge the value of seeking outside assistance. There are some things you simply cannot achieve without expert help, with mental health being one such example. If you are suffering badly from the accident, a therapist or other psychological specialist can help you unpick your emotions and heal.

Likewise, if you were unlucky enough to be in a traumatic incident that wasn’t your fault, and that resulted in serious neurological injury, it is only a specialist solicitor that could help you receive the compensation you deserve through brain injury claims.

Family Support

Last but certainly not least, you should not be attempting to recover alone. Experts aside, you need the presence and support of loved ones to recover properly and well. Accidents and injuries can be isolating experiences even at the best of times; reaching out is essential.