You will notice that many people are making the switch to an electric car right now and this is for good reason. Green initiatives are encouraging many to buy electric, plus the rising cost of fuel and living in general means that now is a smart time to switch to an EV. Instead of using fuel-powered engines, these cars are powered by rechargeable batteries, and this makes them a more environmentally-friendly option. This post will look at the key ways that electric vehicles are better for the environment than traditional cars and why now might be a great time to switch.

Zero exhaust emissions

The key way that electric cars are better for the environment is through zero exhaust emissions. Traditional cars burn fossil fuels to power the vehicle – this process releases toxic emissions into the air that harm the environment (and are bad for public health). EVs like the Vauxhall Corsa electric use lithium-ion batteries that do not produce any emissions and can be recharged continuously.

In addition to reducing environmental impact, this also means that motorists do not have to pay for fuel – this is a major plus right now with the skyrocketing cost of fuel that shows no sign of slowing down anytime soon. The fact that you have zero exhaust emissions also means that you do not have to pay road tax if you’re driving an EV. Electric vehicles may cost more upfront, but you will find that they are a smart financial investment because you can make huge long-term savings.

Fewer overall emissions

Some electric charging stations use coal-burning power plants, but the number is dwindling with more stations harnessing renewable energy sources with which consumers can charge their vehicles. Even with coal-burning power plants, they still create lower emissions for the environment than traditional vehicles.

Eco-friendly materials

The other important way that electric vehicles are better for the environment than petrol and diesel-powered vehicles is the materials that are used to manufacture the vehicles. Many EV manufacturers are now using organic and recycled materials to produce their models, which means that there is less environmental damage in the production stage. Additionally, the use of these materials can also make the vehicles stronger and more durable.

As you can see, there are a few ways in which electric vehicles are better for the environment than petrol and diesel-powered alternatives. Now is the time for action in regard to climate change and switching to an electric car is one of the most effective ways that individuals can reduce their impact. Not only this but switching to electric is a sensible financial move to make, especially during a fuel crisis that shows no sign of being resolved anytime soon.